This blog is Copyright ©1995~2018 by Karl Denton

Friday, March 16, 2018

It's been a while, here is what I have been working on...

It's been a while folks and it has been crazy busy.  I'm in the process of buying a house in Detroit with my daughter.  A very cool really 19th century home with some cool history.  The house was built in 1928 and is quite big.  Big being the case I could not justify keeping the studio at 333 Midland so I've moved all of that stuff back to the condo.  We are waiting for the title to clear and are getting excited to get back into the city.

In the meantime I am still working on projects though with things all cluttered here they are in constant motion so I can start one, move it and get another one going.  I am in the process of making a full body male figure in fiberglass for a client, see the images below of the casting process.  I have a new "Made in the D" product coming out soon.  They are hand made/painted leather coasters which will be sold on Etsy and else where. We are working on getting them into a few shops in Downtown Detroit. See images below.

Still producing abstracts and surreal large paintings.  I've started to paint larger as they seem to sell faster and for a larger amount of money.

Several projects are on hold until we get into the new house and I have my workshop setup again.  As soon as we confirm the house is our I will update everyone with the new workspace and painting studio.

Back to work...









Here are a few sample of the leather coasters I am still waiting for the branding iron to arrive which will brand each coaster the "Hand made in the D".