This blog is Copyright ©1995~2018 by Karl Denton

Saturday, October 29, 2016

3 Dimensional Art...

People ask what is my favorite type of art to produce and I would have to say 3 dimensional art.  Weather it is hanging on a wall or as a sculpture. Here are some my favorite pieces both old and new:

As always click on the image to zoom in.

Jesus of Suburbia - The last Temptation
24" x 36"

I Gave You A Plant and Look What You Have Done
24" x 24" x 7"

Vampire Teeth

Iron Giant Neck Screw (Actual Size)

Star Trek Phaser (Stereolithography)

Wand from a children's cartoon (Stereolithography)

Ray Gun Movie Prop

Tribal Leader (clay)
About 8" tall

The Birth of Man (life castings)

My Perfect Woman (life castings)

Star Ship Enterprise (Cast aluminum)

V-Jet Scale Model (Stereolithography)

Something Wicked This Way Comes (life casting)
This is a work in progress.

The God Particle (multimedia on baroque board)

Trapped in Paradise (multimedia)

Wet For You (life casting)

Box Lunch (multimedia, made for my photo series called The White Room)

The Genesis Plant (multimedia/life casting)
This is a work in progress.

Witches Hour Glass Prop (multimedia)

Self Love (Life Casting)