Time has no bounds, no limits
Time will tare the most durable structures down
Time makes for a long nights walk, and enduring love
Time makes enemies, and it heals all wounds
Time is space and space is time.
This incredible structure, I wonder how many lives it has seen pass,
were there young lovers caught in its passage?
The cannons still standing with war like pride,
the holes in the walls where ornaments were hung to hide.
An incredible journey this building has been through enemies fought, battles won.
This building stands amongst the beauty and serenity of the sea yet fills our minds with death or protection.
Wars fought, battles won.
Hearts falling in love,
new life begun,
time has no meaning for the walls of this old ruin,
though it exists in time and space,
the eventuality of time will have won…
Time has no bounds, no limits
Time will tear the most durable structures down
Time makes for a long nights walk, and enduring love
Time make enemies, heals all wounds
Time is space and space is time.
The beauty of this photograph will exist only because it is observed,
photographed, memorized and passed down to many generations.
The beauty of the building will decay with time,
will turn to dust and then be reborn as new.
Because time heals all wounds,
Makes hearts pound with love.
Time is space and space is time…