The heat, God the intense heat! Will it ever subside, will it ever cool
off? I had no idea just how hot it was until we met, that first night
standing naked in the window hoping for a breeze to blow though, even a
whisper of a breeze would be welcomed.
Standing there my arm
around your waist, my chest pushing up against your back, the softness
of your breasts brushing my arm bringing a new sensation every-time we
moved ever so slightly. We stood rocking from side to side watching as
the crowed went about there lives 3 stories below us, never once
suspecting we were there in an embrace so tight we became one.
I brushed your long hair over to one side it allowed me to see those
delicate ears I speak about, allowed me to gently caress the nape of
your neck with my lips, the sweet taste of you as we stood in the heat.
My arm wrapped around your waist your arm on top of mine, your fingers
exploring every inch of mine. Slowly touching each knuckle, my finger
tips. My right arm dropped to feel the length of your waist, hip and
leg... the soft texture of your skin in the heat, boiling under my
finger tips.
We stand there swaying slowly from side to side,
watching the night sky as the stars slowly drift though. A gentile kiss
on the side of your neck, my lips exploring your ear, while I whisper
"I am here, standing right behind you" a playful tug on your earlobe
produces that smile of yours, those dreamy eyes lift up enough to meet
mine but then just as quickly drift back to the nights wandering sky.
there slowly swaying from side to side, embraced so tight that the
sweat from our bodies forms an immovable suction and we are locked in
that position, neither of us mind and we continue some very soft
explorations of the other, small areas on can reach without breaking the
embrace, without breaking the rhythm of our movement.
My right
hand moves to rest on your belly and a small but gentile gesture on my
part brings a smile to your face again. You now exploring my face with
your lips, my left ear, my neck, we sway to the rhythm of us, we move
according to that rhythm and we breathe each other in with deep breaths,
filling our lungs completely. We sway from side to side never moving
but exploring every bit we can without breaking that embrace.
night comes to an end with the sound of a phone beeping in my ear, my
battery was dying and the connection was about to be lost, we were
standing there swaying from side to side and I had never left my studio,
you were thousands of miles away, we were connected because it was the
only way it could be, you were standing in your studio looking out over
the nights sky and I was in mine looking out over a bustling city. Both
of us standing there swaying alone, but as one, exploring the other as
though we were together.
Whispering in your ear "I am hear with
you, I am always with you", you whispering back "I know I feel you here
everyday, I see you when my eyes are closed, I feel you when I sleep".
The breathing, the motion, the scent, the taste was all consuming, it
was life saving for the both of us.
After the connection was lost
I walked over to the sink and grabbed a towel because despite having
the air conditioner on full blast I had left a small pool of sweat on
the studio floor, glancing up in the small mirror above the sink I
noticed several small lips stick marks on my neck. I could feel you
with me, smell your scent in the air. I could still feel the two of us
swaying from side to side in that tight embrace
Never wanting to let go, never getting enough.