What if the universe is nothing more then the rapid expansion of a
supernova, the galaxies we see are nothing more then clumps of atomic
matter, the planets molecules, life the result of atoms being blasted
out from the inside of a star? Just as a supernova collapses the
universe must also collapse at some point.
The fact is that we
now have dark matter, dark energy to contend with, the expansion is not
only real but increasing. Seemingly with out explanation. I contend
that black holes are like the drain on your laundry tube. That they
(like your drain) will take in as much material as they can and every
once and a while we will see the drain get over come with material, thus
producing eminence jets of energy, in your drain you see it as a burp
of water backing up.
While the energy emitted from a burping
black hole is on a grand scale the amount of energy that is never seen
again is so much more grand. I think this energy, material is providing
the seeds for other universes on the other side of that black hole. The
dark energy that is causing our universe to expand at in creasing rates
is the vacuum of space increasing because the black hole is like a
giant drain, the suction of material passing through it is doing so at
an increasing rate thus expanding the universe in an ever increasing
There will come a time when this energy will dissipate
and our universe will cease to expand, there will be no more dark
energy, there will be no more food for the black holes to use. Our
universe will then collapse back onto itself or should I say into
itself. It will collapse just as a star does, our entire universe
crushed to the size of our own sun.
Food for thought!