I am with this girl whom I love,
we are passionate, crazy passionate,
things between us are deep, caring,
loving, true.
This girl I am with, drives me crazy,
I know I drive her the same way,
She defends her feelings toward me
with a firm stance like I have never seen before,
she stands by me when I don’t even stand by myself.
This girl I am with, the one I consider my true love,
she is is simply put the most adorable thing,
I have ever laid eyes on.
Our love is passionate, crazy, intense, good and comforting,
Our love is the very thing a love should be,
My love for her is never ending,
despite the silly arguments we stumble into,
despite the previous horrors in our past lives,
despite current frustrations,
my love for her is never ending,
and runs deeper then she can imagine.
This girl I am with, the one I call “sweet heart”,
she has become the most important part of my life,
My love for her is never ending...